Exercise Less

biggest-loser-screamingThe New Years Resolution ritual makes early January the best time to spot one. I call them over-exercisers.

In the wild you usually see them paired up with an over zealous trainer, duck-walking their way around the gym. So humiliating. My counterintuitive advice for anyone trying to get into the habit of daily exercise is to…

Exercise less.

When it comes to exercise, scientific studies show that a little each day goes a long way. In fact after about 45 minutes, the returns diminish. And perched up on my cardio machine I have observed that…

Most over-exercisers go missing after about two weeks – never to be seen again.

If you do decide to make daily exercise a habit, and you should, then go by way of tortoise, not hare. OK here is the world’s shortest exercise book…

Chapter 1

Get in 45 minutes of cardio 5 to 7 days a week. I watch sports and listen to music at the gym because – rain or shine, at home or on the road (hotel gym) – it’s always available. Choose something you can stick with.

Chapter 2

After you gain success with the cardio routine, add a dab of strength training. Again, my counterintuitive advice is to…

Strength train less.

15 minutes a day, 3 to 5 days a week is all you need. Lift under control, breath, and rotating muscle groups, allowing 3 days rest in between lifts. Remember muscles grow during these rest days.

The End

Short book eh? So jettison those over zealous trainers and join me on the cardio perch, where together we can listen to some tunes and over-exerciser watch, rain or shine. Oh and while you’re at it…

Eat more…